Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pleasant Trip, Warm Welcome

I arrived in Salvador, Brazil yesterday at about 3 pm after a long but fairly pleasant trip. I was met at the airport by one of the drivers with the organization I am volunteering with (Cross Cultural Solutions). I tried some of my Portuguese on him, but I don't quite have my pronounciation mastered, so AG (I think that's his name) didn't understand one word. We waited for a bit for Nicole (another volunteer) to arrive, then he brought us to our "Home Base" where we were shown around and to our rooms, and we met all the other volunteers who had arrived.
We were all so tired that we just sat around talking and getting to know each other. They are all so nice! And so far all American and with the exception of one person, they are all in their early 20's.
After dinner we all walked to a local bar and had a "Brahma" which is the main beer and it was good.
We came back early and all had a much needed sleep.

In Salvador, Brazil, trying to blog from my ipod-- more when I figure it out or get on a PC

Friday, May 29, 2009

Almost Ready to Go
Hi all
I finished work on Wednesday and left feeling as though everything was taken care of and that it was all left in good hands. Since then, my parents have come to pick up Charles Gordon III and Oskar to look after them, I have farmed out my plants, made arrangements for my bills, condo, mail etc and have been trying to learn Portuguese.
I am packed for Brazil and I almost ready to leave (flight is at 11:40 pm and it is now 12:40 pm). I plan on working on my Blog and itouch (ipod with wireless) both new to me in the last week.