Thursday, October 22, 2009

Leaving India

As I write this I am sitting in the airport waiting for my flight back to Toronto – it is 12:30 am and my flight doesn’t leave for two more hours. I am happily exhausted -it is way past my bedtime!
I have enjoyed many things about India, here are a few:
- Meeting many people who were all helpful and enjoyed helping me understand and learn about Indian and Tibetan culture, customs, food and lifestyles.
- Being blessed by four religions- Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh and Hindu
- The landscape, the architecture and the history
- the mass chaos – especially on the streets and in the markets- with so many people, animals and excitement. Even in the airport right now there seems to be chaos- loud announcements, staff running around shouting something (but no one can hear them because of the announcements) and a lot of people. Oh and of course the internet doesn’t work.
- Feeling like a celebrity- all the children want to touch you and say “hello”, and many people want their pictures taken with you. Even from our oversized bus as we drove on small roads through towns and rural areas (basically imposing ourselves on them), they still all waved, yelled hello and were genuinely excited to see us.
- The cows everywhere. I literally bumped into one while I was on a sidewalk, at a market in Jaipur. None of us expected to see one there as most cows were on the street but this one wanted to walk right next to the stores. The shocked look on my face entertained the locals (we were the only tourists) and the icing on the cake for them was when I pulled out my camera and ran ahead to the cow to get a front view shot. As I did this someone laughingly yelled “my country, my cow, my culture!”

There is so much more to tell all of you about my trip.

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