Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Nights Out

Salvador has a lively night life. Although I don't opt to go out as often as some of the younger volunteers, I can see why they like to go out often. There are a few areas here that we can go to, but we mostly go to Pelourinho which is also the historic district. It is the colonized area of town with a strong influence of architecture from Portugal. It has its original cobblestones and small streets and it is not open to cars making it very pleasant to walk around. We were warned that it is an area where tourists are targeted and pick pocketed (two volunteers have been pickpocketed since I have arrived) so we don't bring cameras, passports, bank cards visa cards etc. Just enough cash for drinks and taxis, both of which are very inexpensive.
Walking around Pelourinho at night you can see people demonstrating Capoeira, people dressed in traditional clothing, and people performing live music. My favourite thing I've seen so far is an all female drumming band with a lead singer. The band is mostly Negro women (correct term here) who are dressed in traditional clothes and dance as they drum and sing in perfect unison. The crowd gathers around them and dances along with them. It is alot of fun.
There are places that we can sit at tables right on the street and enjoy a drink, or Samba bars which are outside in courtyards and have live music playing on stages.
One night we all went to a Samba bar. Since we take Samba lessons here once a week I decided to try it out without my teacher's help. We all tried out our steps and because there were mostly locals at this bar they began to help us one on one learn the dance. I felt sorry for the guy who tried to help me. I am hopless and little did he know how many people have tried to teach me in the past! But he didn't give up. Overall it was a great time, but dancing with the locals who knew what they were doing, was especially fun.

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