Friday, September 11, 2009

Cottage Therapy

During the summer I spent some time at the cottage with my parents. I had the energy and time to purge alot of my stuff that had been there for years (some things were 30 years old). Dad moved beds around, so now I have my Grandma Vida's bed in my room to use. I am now ready to re-decorate next year.
Dad and I also went out canoing on our lake. We were lucking and saw Loons fishing and feeding there young the fish they caught. As well we took a longer trip down the Tay river into Christie Lake. Mom drove us to the launch and picked us up a few hours latter. We saw otters, beaver huts, herons, and many other birds. A very pleasant paddle. Next year I will be going on the white water part of the Tay river.

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