Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Land of Cows

Well for those of you who haven't been to India and just heard the rumours, it is true: cows are everywhere and they are very sacred. They are in the field outside our Home Base, they are on the roads, they are on pathways, in Temples and in the Market. Cows never get honked at by drivers (drivers honk at people, cars, dogs, donkeys, goats, rams...all on the roads) but never a cow. We were told that if we wanted to be safe walking on the streets, we should adopt a cow (very tempting). The Indians are not even frustrated by them blocking traffic. Canada has 2 seasons- winter and construction. India has 1 season - cow.
We live in a quiet upper middle income area. I go out for a walk everyday and pass at least 2 cows but usually 5 or 6. Cows are starting to be my landmarks, I know where I am in the town by the cow that is hanging out at that corner.
Cows have it made here!

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